About Scheer Holding
Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer, professor for business informatics who invented the ARIS © concept, and successful entrepreneur, founded Scheer Holding GmbH as network of strong-growing IT-companies. High quality, innovative strength and a clear focus on customer value distinguish their products and services. Close cooperation with science and research enhance the innovative strength of the different companies and open up new markets. As sole shareholder of Scheer Holding GmbH, Scheer holds significant shares of the different companies within the holding and at the same time emphasizes the entrepreneurial power of the start-up management. Scheer Holding focuses on small and medium business units. In close cooperation with science and research, new products and services are developed continuously which support today tomorrow's success.
Joint efforts for better results
Scheer Holding represents the reliable roof over the company network. The holding supports and strengthens
between the companies in the network not only to increase the added value for customers but also to pave the
into new markets. Scheer Holding especially encourages the associated companies - which origin from
countries - in their international activities, and when founding new companies as spin-off from the network.
Scheer supports Scheer Holding through his longtime experience and knowledge of the IT industry; he intends to
together the best ideas and clever minds behind them within the Scheer Holding network. The aim is to support
growth of the companies with a clear focus on generating added-value for customers.